Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Meet Rose

Rose cooking on a primitive stove at her uncle's chacra.

It is time you met Rose. She was the visionary for this operation and it was her promise that led her to want to help the children and families of Peru.  Her roots are in this area as her mother was born in Olmos.  This picture was taken at a small farm, or chacra, in Olmos.  Note the fuel rods feeding the stove.  We call those "sticks."  That's right, this stove runs on good old wooden sticks.  As they burn down, you simply push them a little further into the stove.  I have to admit that this is the only home I have visited in Olmos, so I can't tell you if this is typical or not, but from the way many of the homes looked, I would guess that Rose's uncle was actually one of the more affluent members of this small community.  If Olmos has an upscale section, I must have somehow missed it.
Electricity to the house was provided by a car battery that the uncle would have to take by bicycle to get charged every couple of days. He even had a tiny propane powered refrigerator, a real luxury in this area.  As many families do, the uncle operated a tiny store by his front door selling sodas and other items.  When he offered us a tepid soda, I felt badly about taking it, but he would have felt badly if we paid for it.  I would have asked for water but I know better. 

Some of the other residents at the chacra.

Rose came to the United States with her family when she was eight years old.  Her parents and all of the children became US citizens and very productive ones, at that.  Her parents can brag that they have a medical doctor, a doctor of pharmacy and a teacher and a sociologist among the siblings.  The others either operate their own businesses or they are nearing retirement age.  Naturally, the ability to immigrate to the United States is not within the grasp of most, and that is why Rose wants to do something to help these families.  Promesa Peru is the vehicle that we will use to direct aid to the families and children of the Lambayeque Province.

Beachfront property in Santa Rosa, Lambayeque Province